Choosing a car for my teenagersChoosing a car for my teenagers

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Choosing a car for my teenagers

I remember when my kids used to head off on their bikes, and I was always so worried about them crashing those bikes down the street. Now I'm worried about them finally getting their license and hoping they don't crash their cars now! I've been researching the best cars to buy them - the teenagers want something with a thumping sound system that looks great, but I want them to have the safest possible car instead. If you want to find the best, affordable and safest first car for your teenagers, then keep reading. If we are buying the cars, we need to get cars we feel comfortable with!

Sparkplugs, the hidden menace in your Ford

Sparkplugs are a vital engine part in your Ford car. As their name suggests, they provide the spark needed to ignite the fuel in the engine's cylinders and keeping your car moving. The sparkplug itself is a relatively inexpensive part, however if it fails and you keep your car running with it, it can create a host of costly problems: engine failure, higher fuel costs, and searching half the city for obsolete parts (if you have an older model Ford) and more. Read More 

Choosing the Right Hull When Buying a Used Boat

In most cases, you have no clue what conditions the boat has been subjected to yet you want to spend your money on it. Was it properly maintained? Was it involved in an accident? These are just some of the questions that might bother you. Unfortunately, buying a used boat is not easy unless you are certain that the boat has been in good hands all along. When buying, you should get it right and the hull is a good place to start. Read More 

What Many Used Car Buyers Overlook When Inspecting a Potential Purchase

When you're ready to buy a used car, you may know to check the mileage, previous accident reports, and any rust along the body. However, there are some aspects to buying a used car that many buyers overlook, and which can be more costly in the long run than you may realize. Note a few simple but important things to consider and inspect for any potential used car purchase. 1. Tires Read More 

Understanding Tow Hitch Classes For Trailers

When hiring a trailer, it is critical that you know and understand that different hitches are used for different jobs. Not knowing this – or choosing to ignore this information – may compromise the safety of the tow vehicle, the vehicle being towed and the occupants of the tow vehicle, as well as any other road users who are close to your vehicle. This article examines which hitches are used for towing what vehicles and gives a brief description of some key towing terms. Read More 

How to Negotiate a Car Sale

Regardless of what kind of car you are buying, your number one goal should be to get the best price possible. As a buyer, you need to be armed with information and resolve before visiting a car sales dealership. Remember, a car sales person does sales every day. They are good at it and can tell when they have an unprepared buyer. If you do not have the tips on how to get a good deal, you will end up paying more than you should for your car. Read More